30 of 30!

Woohoo! I made it! I had so much fun… No dithering about underpaintings, local color vs imaginary colors, detail vs abstract… Just choose something simple and get it down. I was forced to keep it easy and simple because I generally have less than 30 minutes a day to paint during the school year.

This is a tiny cheesecake from the bakery where my daughter works. The first background I put down was a mistake, so I just put another over it… It’s not as successful as I’d like still, but the dessert itself turned out ok.

Tomorrow I’ll share the state of my studio after the whirlwind of 30 in 30. Now it’s time to prepare for my art sale and student music recital coming up in about a month.


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3 thoughts on “30 of 30!”

  1. Good enough to eat! Sorry to state a cliche, but it really is. Love the blue shadow and your treatment of the fruit on top. It was lovely to follow your art this month, Esther! I hope to see you in the next challenge.

    1. Laurelle, thank you for following me! It’s been fun to have your comments to brighten my day. Don’t be a stranger!

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