Plein Air Report
I have a goal to do a lot more plein air work, so I’ve been making the effort to do
I have a goal to do a lot more plein air work, so I’ve been making the effort to do
At the beginning of June I spent several days with the Grandchildren. Their parents were off on a ministry trip.
ser·en·dip·i·ty/ˌserənˈdipədē/Learn to pronouncenoun the occurrence and development of events by chance in a happy or beneficial way. Tomatoes used to
Certain pieces are starting to exhibit the characteristics that I’ve always hoped for in my paintings. The quality of light
Hi everyone! It’s great to be back. As you may have heard, I have been in the process of downsizing,
Finally made another video. Up on the channel now is a video made to share my first reactions to Girault
Good morning my wonder-seekers! It is a good day. I am absolutely determined to re-establish my daily painting habit. My
Ladies and gents, I know it will come as a surprise to you but… …I am human. No really! I
If you follow me, you know that, for reasons best known to the Creator, painting flowers is a super power
I’ve never really lived where there was lots of snow. Well, ok, for one winter I lived in North Texas.