Magic News


Aloha! And Best Intentions

Monthly Arty Party

Our Arty Party this month is Island Themed! It would be so much fun if those of you attending the Afternoon Tea Party did something with this: either a costume item, or a food, or a story–something small (or, you know, if you want, go all out!). I just think it would be fun. I will definitely be dressed up!

Remember that if you want to attend the Tea Party, you MUST be registered for the Magic News or a member of the Facebook sale group ( ). 

The Tea Party is by Zoom, and is exclusive to the members.

EVERY THING ELSE IS public! You are invited and encouraged. Heck, make it a girl’s night with a friend, or an evening with your spouse. Keep in mind that if you make the effort to attend the live, I make the effort to make it worth your while. I offer discounted prices on all the art during these lives…you will not find them cheaper on any of the platforms where they are available. It really means a lot to me that you support me by giving me your time!

Here are the links to the public events–all times are Central Time:

Morning Coffee 8:30 am: we meet and chat for a few minutes to kick off the day.

Painting Demo 10:00 am: I paint and chat, explaining my process.

Clay Demo 11:30 am: I create an item in clay and chat.

Afternoon Tea Party 2:00 pm: stay tuned here for the link: it will post to the sale group and the Magic News next Friday.

Arty Party Boutique 6:30 pm: THIS is where the REAL fun happens! I’ll share a lot of art with you, giving a discount to those in attendance. There is a drawing giveaway, and a lot of chat and art talk. You can purchase directly from the live!

Best Intentions

My best intentions were to get an art drop set up to go with this Arty Party. It didn’t happen. Just like everyone, life can get in the way sometimes. Part of the reason life got in the way this week is that illness-that-shall-not-be-named. I don’t yet have it, but I live in a plague house right now. I’ve had to cancel things and take care of others and all the things that go with that. It’s been great in a way because I’ve had plenty of time to make art! And so far I haven’t come down with any symptoms.

What is an art drop? Oh, it’s a very fun thing! Basically it works like this: I take some pieces of art out into the community (or maybe even the internet…trying to figure how to work that out) and “hide” them. Kind of like hiding Easter eggs for your 3 year old. I give clues, and when you find it, you get to keep it…for free!

If you have an idea how I could do an internet art drop, please reply or comment! I’d love to make it accessible to everyone…not just local peeps.

Local Event

If you’re local to me, consider attending this event where I will have a small booth containing my art and pottery. I enjoy doing shows that have an indoor option like this.

New Process

I can’t wait to show y’all the new process that I’m working with for pastel. It’s a process I adapted from my trip to the International Association of Pastel Societies convention in June. For one of the workshops I had to purchase a big packet of BFK Rives paper, which is not actually a pastel paper, but rather for watercolor or printmaking. However, I had a lot left, so I needed to figure out a way to use it. Fortunately, I knew it could be coated with clear gesso to give it a great texture for pastel.

Random blobs of ink are applied to the wetted paper and allowed to dry. Then I go over it with a coat of clear gesso and allow that to dry. That part is fun, of course, but the next part is just delightful.

I let the underpainting talk to me. I don’t tell it what it’s going to be. IT tells ME. Do I see an image in it? What emotion does it stir up? What pattern of values–darks and lights–do I see? I start adding bits of pastel here and there, picking up on and emphasizing what I like or what I see. It’s absolutely absorbing, but also something I have to be patient about. I have to wait and think and look to see what it wants next.

It’s strange to talk about an inanimate thing as sentient, I know. But as a human with a limited vocabulary for mystic things, this is the best explanation I can offer: well, except for that I hope it is truly guided by the Spirit of God.

Here are three paintings I’ve completed using this process:

I really love them all and I’m excited to share them live with you! My demo for next week will show the process after the coating of gesso.

Okay, gentle-humans, that’s all for this entry.

Please tell your friends about me. Please make sure you’re subscribed to the Magic News.

Meanwhile, I pray that you are able to see the music, hear the colors and awaken the wonder and worship in your hearts.



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2 thoughts on “Aloha! And Best Intentions”

  1. I love, love those and that wonderful idea. I may have to give that a try myself. Trying to not be as tight with my work. Would it be OK to steal your idea?

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