Magic News


Change in Plans–As Usual

It’s getting close to time for the next Arty Party! Yes! October 8th (THIS DATE HAS CHANGED!) we will get together and you can shop all the new pottery and a few new paintings. Just a reminder: Christmas is coming! Don’t wait until the last moment to shop. There are Music Lessons, Art Experiences and Gift Cards as well as paintings and pottery available.

Here’s the giveaway information: we need more people to join us for our parties!

  • Bring a guest to the party
  • Share the Magic News or this website in a such a way that someone on your friend’s list signs up for it.

Here are ways to win:

  • Make a post on your social media inviting your friends to join us for the party.
  • Message some friends and invite them over for beverages and snacks on the evening of the Arty Party, and sign on together!
  • Share this newsletter by using the “forward” option and sending it out to several of your email contacts, with a message saying “thought you might be interested in this!”

These are all ways you can support my art and spread the love. Thank you for being here on the ground floor with me!

This Week In The Studio

The reason for the change in the date of the Arty Party is that there have been a lot of family and business duties this week, preventing me from making the progress necessary to have the party on the original date. I’m also happy to report that I am opening my waitlist for new music or art students! If you know of someone who is interested in lessons, please have them contact me to get onto the wait list.

After all the pottery work I’ve been doing, there was a lot of leftover clay that needed reclaiming. I made a fun little video about that for you, showing some of the process.

And then, there’s the glazing…

Glazing sometimes takes longer than making! Those test tiles are tedious in the extreme! I’ve about finished with them, though, and can start glazing the actual pieces as soon as I get back from a camping trip with my grandkids.

YES you heard it right. the Magical Freaking Unicorn is headed out in a few hours to join her son, daughter-in-law and grandkids to camp out for the first time in 30 years!

Trying Old Things

30 years ago I swore I would never go camping again. I went cold turkey! Two very bad experiences had me believing that life was too short to be that miserable.

The first experience was going on a camping trip with my husband and two young children. Michael wanted to go hunting and had secured permission for a certain remote area to hunt. Since he would be far from camp while hunting, he thought it would be fun to take the family. We could enjoy being in the outdoors and hang around camp while he was out.

We arrived late at the campsite, after dark, in fact. But we got everything set up and had supper, then got bedded down for the night, even though it was refreshingly chilly. That’s when the wind started blowing. It blew a gale most of the night, and I don’t know why the tent didn’t come down on us. But there was very little sleeping on my part.

The next morning we rose before dawn to get the man off to hunt. As the sun rose, we noticed a pretty little line of fog rising behind the mountain. Within an hour, that little line of fog had become a thick, rolling, roiling wave of violent mist, cresting over the top of the mountains and dropping swiftly over the side, coming toward us and threatening to smother us.

Out in the fields, Michael saw it too, and started hoofing it back to camp. It began to rain.

Over the next hour he and I put the kids in the cab of the pickup and started breaking camp. This weather was setting in and there wasn’t any point in him trying to hunt. We threw everything in the bed of the truck while getting completely soaked with cold rain! It was such a relief to climb into the cab of the truck with the kids and turn the key.

Michael soon realized, however, that the mud was too slick to allow us to pull out of the campsite. For another harrowing 20 minutes he worked to get the pickup unstuck, only to realize that it was now drifting downhill toward the edge of the ravine…

Well. We did make it out and we didn’t go over the ravine. But you can imagine what kind of impression that made on me concerning camping.

Someday maybe I’ll tell you about the camping trip that made me swear off camping for good. Can you spell F.I.R.E. A.N.T.S???

I probably don’t need to explain to you that  I am facing this weekend with both great trepidation and excitement. But when the kids invited me to go along, I couldn’t say no. They promised me faithfully that they know how to do this right, and will make sure I am comfortable.

We shall see.

Thank you again for all you do. Just knowing that you read these articles and enjoy looking at my art and believe in the power of music as I do is a huge blessing. So I wish you joy as you…

…look for the music, listen for the colors, reach for the magic, and find the wonder and worship rising in your hearts.



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