In All That’s Fair

I’ve never lived in an area where peonies grow well. Since the day I learned of them, though, I’ve known I would love them. I’ve never had any peonies given to me or bought any.

In All That’s Fair, 15×15 $180 unframed
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Until this last week. I’d heard they had some at the local grocery. I needed some groceries anyway and looked for them when I went in: there was only one bouquet left, and most of them were open. I bought them.

If you’ve never encountered these “King of Flowers”, as the Chinese call them, then you must take the first opportunity to encounter them. Not only are they beautiful big and bold, yet delicate and lacy, but they also smell heavenly.

Days passed as I tried to finish one painting so I could begin one of these beauties. Finally I realized I must paint them because they were almost spent–blown out wide and loose offering up their last hymn to their Maker.

Yesterday was that day.


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