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These Rocks Are Thee

These Rocks Are Thee: 16X20, pastel on paper

I hate to say this yet again, but 2020 has been a challenge for everyone. Lately, it’s been even more challenging for me and my family. We are struggling with the knowledge that my mother’s days are limited, and while we know that all our days are written in His Book, and have been since before time began, the reality for us in this broken world is very challenging to face.

There is a poem that has often comforted me, in it’s hard but grounding way ever since I read it the first time decades ago. It is a poem by Betty Scott Stam, martyr for Christ. You can read the story here.

The poem is titled Stand Still And See.

I'm standing, Lord:
There is a mist that blinds my sight.
Steep, jagged rocks, front, left, and right,
Lower, dim, gigantic, in the night.
    Where is the way?

I'm standing, Lord:
The black rock hems me in behind,
Above my head a moaning wind
Chills and oppresses heart and mind.
   I am afraid!

I'm standing, Lord:
The rock is hard beneath my feet;
I nearly slipped, Lord, on the sleet.
So weary, Lord! and where a seat?
   Still must I stand?

He answered me, and on His face
A look ineffable of grace,
Of perfect, understanding love,
Which all my murmuring did remove.

I'm standing, Lord:
Since Thou has spoken Lord, I see
Thou has beset--these rocks are Thee!
And since Thy love encloses me,
   I stand and sing.

I was inspired to create a painting to express this poem in the last couple of weeks. What you see is the result.

The rocks can be seen as limiting growth, or as protecting growth. The harsh environment can be seen as difficult and restricting, or as creating conditions for strong growth.

It doesn’t make growth any easier, but it does give purpose to the pain.

I’m considering having this one specially framed with the words of the poem. What do you think? Would you prefer to have the poem with it, or let the painting speak for itself?


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2 thoughts on “These Rocks Are Thee”

  1. Include the poem with the painting. It really touched my heart this morning and I am sharing your post with friends.

    1. Joyce, thank you for your comment and I’m so glad it encouraged you. I did end up framing it with the poem, and it now hangs at my church, where it can encourage my pastor.

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