Magic News


Why Unicorns? Why Magical Freaking Unicorns?

Learn more on the companion Vlog for this week!

Favorite Unicorns

What’s with this Magical Freaking Unicorn Thing?

Do you have questions about why I call myself (and am called by my students) a Magical Freaking Unicorn Music Teacher?

It’s simple. As Bob the Tomato famously said to Larry the Cucumber when he commented that he had no hands, “It’s for the kids!”

I mean, there’s nothing really magical about me anymore than there’s anything magical about you. I may (or may not) be as easily freaked out as the next human. I’m not a real unicorn any more than you are. So what’s with this silly name?

May I tell you a story?

Some of you already know that I went back to school at age 47 and spent 3 years finishing a bachelor’s degree in music so that I could get certified and teach in the public schools. I taught 750 students a week, from age 5-11 from 2013-2019 and ran a very successful volunteer student choir as well.

This generation of kids taught me a lot.

  • Most of them don’t believe that they can learn.
  • Many of them have not had any training in how to learn nor have they discovered how much fun learning can be.
  • Just like me and you, they’d rather not do hard things, thankyouverymuch.

They also don’t get time to just free play. Certainly not playing outside or in larger groups of children. They have no time to figure things out on their own, so they aren’t aware that they can.

How to go to Work

Teaching for the school was a very difficult thing for me. I had no idea how difficult it would be. It wasn’t the children, so I won’t go into that here. I loved the children, and loved teaching music. It was just hard. So hard that I had to employ all kinds of strategies to get myself to go to work most mornings.

One day I saw a meme that said “I’m a Magical Freaking Unicorn, I do what I want!” or something like that. Since I’ve always loved unicorns because 1) who doesn’t? And 2) they represent Christ with us (more on this on the companion vlog!), it was an empowering statement that I took to work with me that day.

Later in the day I noticed that a concept of music that I was teaching was giving the students trouble. They weren’t able to grasp it. This statement came to mind as I encouraged myself that I could break it down for them so they could understand. 

The next day a student happened to ask a question…you know, one of those random questions kids think up to try and distract the teacher from the main subject? “Miss, can you teach us [fill in your musical fantasy here]”

I looked at that child, and then looked at all the students, and out of my mouth popped “I’m a MAGICAL FREAKING UNICORN MUSIC TEACHER and I CAN TEACH YOU ANYTHING!”

The kids laughed (and some scoffed and mocked), but I saw something in their eyes. They wanted to believe. They wanted to have the confidence that someone was on their side and was going to make it possible for them to learn. They weren’t on their own. There was a unicorn up there who would back up and take them step by step into new territory.

A few days later, another student said “Miss, you are the best music teacher…you are a Magical Freaking Unicorn Music Teacher!”

Naturally, not everyone agreed. Especially my admin. That’s another story for another time–or perhaps not ever. It’s not important.

What is important is that I learned one way to give students confidence in themselves by inspiring confidence in me, their teacher.

For that last few years of my journey in the public schools I remained known as the Magical Freaking Unicorn music teacher among a generous cohort of the students–and of course, myself.

To this day, when a piano, vocal, guitar or art student meets up with a challenge that rattles their confidence, I simply remind them that I am the Magical Freaking Unicorn teacher and I can teach them anything. That I’ll back it up and break it down for them. That they are not alone in the journey. That I will hold their hand. I’m their advocate, and I’m a unicorn!

I love the look in their eyes when they realize they aren’t alone, and that they can believe there are unicorns, and that maybe, just maybe, they can be a unicorn someday, too.

This Week in the Studio

In which I continue to work on the family requests, including this gigantic salad bowl!

I’m planning a bisque and glaze fire within the next week, when this bowl is dry. Gotta get those adorable little heart dishes ready for Valentine’s Day!

Another thing happening in the studio…one of my dogs. Eating pastels. The really expensive pastels, naturally. At least she has good taste?

What makes my dog eat pastels?

Ok, not really eating the pastels, although I do believe she crunched a few in her determination to eat the cardboard they were stored in. She never does this except under specific circumstances.

My living situation is thus: I live in a generous upstairs apartment. My parents live in their house downstairs. Every evening I go down to cook dinner for them and spend time with them.

And this is when Jubi the carboard/paper eating dog starts looking for items to eat. It’s definitely separation anxiety, but she never gets it otherwise. I can drive away in the car. Walk out the gate and leave the property. It doesn’t bother her. But being downstairs? Who knows why that triggers her. You’d think she’d realize that I’m actually in the house and will be back soon, that there’s no need to worry.

Whatever. I’m taking measures to protect my pastel sticks (y’all…over $6 a stick. There’s a dozen in the box she destroyed).

I continue to learn about and tweak the website. Just at the moment it’s taken me this long to post because I broke the site. Finally got it fixed where I can at least post. There’s more to do, as always. I’m going to be an expert when I finally learn to do all these things!

Speaking of the website…

Have you shared it with your friends? Have you visited? Did you know it’s possible to comment on my blog posts and continue the conversation here? I promise I’ll reply! Just scroll down to the comment form and let me know what you’re thinking.

Godspeed my friends and unicorns. Keep looking to see the music, listening to hear the colors, reaching out to touch the magic, and awakening the wonder and worship in your heart!




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